After departing Water 7, Straw Hat's members enjoy all features their brand new Ship has to offer. Nami Taking a bath, Dr. Chopper in his own office and Luffy catching a shark with his bare hands, Ussop encourages him to put it in their surrounding aquarium, they hurry up to see it down there along with the rest of fishes, what a surprise the Shark had a lunch already! and Sanji yells at them therein. after that Franky lets them know the greatest feature "Soldier Dockses" the bottom of the Ship is equipped with 5 Dock Stations with numbers of 0-4 where each one is something unique depending on the situation so no matter what trouble He guarantees a solution. the Straw Hats find a drifting ship with hungry and sick fishermen. Luffy let them in and Chopper heals them one by one, eventually the cabin boy Jiro touches his own left-arm and remembers something that makes him beg Chopper's help "please come, there's in our board someone that really needs your help" boy said. but no one seems to notice Chopper following him all the way into the ship where a man with serious wounds is lying in bed therefore cannot be moved in his condition, must be operated right here and now. All things seem great but drifting fishermen have something else in mind. But as the fishermen find Sanji, Robin, and Franky have not fallen for the drugged wine, they shocked.